Digital Humanities and the Study of the Past

Kreativní laboratoř (VOICE)
Publikováno: 19. 9. 2017

The guest lecture series Digital Humanities and the Study of the Past (part of the Medieval Social Conflicts and Contrasts project) attempts to bring scholars working in the emerging field of Digital Humanities with the focus on Medieval or Early Modern topics to both local and international audience at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. We hope to cover a number of a wide field of approaches and angles through presentations of successful digital projects or notable works in progress.

The 2017/18 Winter Term is convened by: Ondřej Tichý

Course material and student requirements are specified in Moodle, SIS Code: AAA500153 (local students), AAA500153E (Erasmus students)


more info (The Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages)