Centre for the Study of Mankind and Society

Centre profile

The Centre serves as a platform for excellent research focused on the mechanisms and strategies of adaptation and integration, including the principles of human communication and those guiding the formation and transfer of cultural identity. The development of human societies being a continuous adaptive process, the Centre’s mission is based on multidisciplinary research of issues related to the permanent changeability of modern society. One of its many aims is to understand the nature of human behavior, both verbal and nonverbal, in its socio-cognitive and historical contexts.

The Centre’s general profile is defined by three areas of research interests:

  • adaptation at individual and group level,
  • communication practice as a source of diversity and variability,
  • historical transformations of interactional and adaptational strategies.

Adaptation processes, understood as innovative responses to the changing environment, occur at all levels of human existence: from the biological foundations of life to the psychological aspects and thought processes of individuals, to human communication, to social and global issues at the level of organizations and institutions. Significantly, though, the adaptation processes in all these areas necessarily involve their mutual interaction; there is, therefore, a serious demand for a multidisciplinary approach, which – in its broadest sense – can establish an organic interconnection between social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences.

This complex approach to the study of active adaptation – at both individual and group levels – in the life-long development of human beings and their societies lends the Centre a unique research status, as the traditional focus within Czech research tends to aim at studying only individual aspects of this multilayered complex of phenomena.

The Centre for the Study of Human Society was established by the Dean’s Provision No. 8/2017.

Složení rady:

Doc. Mirjam Friedová, Ph.D.
(Department of Linguistics), Chair








Doc. Peter Pavúk, Ph.D.
(Institute of Classical Archaeology), Vice-Chair







Doc. Michal Pullmann, Ph.D.
(Faculty Dean; Institute of Economic and Social History)








Doc. Jiří Buriánek, CSc., DSc.
(Department of Sociology)








Prof. Marek Blatný, CSc.
(Department of Psychology)


Doc. Václav Cvrček, Ph.D.
(Institute of the Czech National Corpus)








Doc. Radek Skarnitzl, Ph.D.
(Institute of Phonetics)








Tajemnice rady: Mgr. Eva Lehečková, Ph.D.
(Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication)